| Oslo 13:22 – 13:22
Banner Cocktail

Food Studio inviterer til Cocktail Party 29. juni

Local and imaginative dining combined with extraordinary cocktails.

Banner Cocktail

The Social Act Cocktail Party
– I’m A Kombo x Food Studio #

Food Studio´s summer event on Saturday, June 29th will take you on a journey of forms and imaginative expressions that will explore the act of dining combined with cocktails and the seasons best local produce.

Our hosts for the evening will be the talented duo of Bo Lindegaard and Lasse Askov, the chefs behind Copenhagen’s interactive dining concept I'm a Kombo. The ”I’m” part refers to what we are; what we eat, while ”Kombo” refers to the combination of tasteful skill and limitless imagination.

The kitchen is the heart of I’m a Kombo’s world, where they peel, scrub, cut, fry and roast to eventually construct the substance of a meal. Bo and Lasse’s food is the culmination of hard, ambitious work and defines why they do what they do.

Bo and Lasse have something special in store for you, and without giving too much away, you can expect to enjoy a fun and fully interactive experience.

Tickets cost 1875 kr including food, cocktails and more and can be purchased online here: