| Grafill R21 18:00 – 20:00
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Foredrag: Get it together med Jack Self

Grafill Grafisk design inviterer til en kveld med Jack Self.

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The boundaries of our design disciplines have begun to feel like the walls of a prison. But as more designers of all kinds attempt to invent new models of interdisciplinary practice, the question arises: how can we retain the specialised knowledge that makes each field unique, while coming to a new understanding of what it means to collaborate? How should designers work together? What is the basis for interdisciplinary projects? Is there a common methodology to all design practice? And if so, what can we design together, and who should it be for? 

Jack Self (1987) is an architect based in London. He is Director of the REAL foundation and Editor-in-Chief of the Real Review. In 2016, Jack curated the British Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale. His architectural design focuses on alternative models of ownership, contemporary forms of labour, and the formation of socio-economic power relationships in space. Jack is also Contributing Editor to the Architectural Review and Editor-at-Large for 032c.

Sted: Grafill R21, Rosenkrantz gate 21
Dato: 6. april 2018
Tid: kl.18.00

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