| Grafill R21 18:00 – 21:00

Foredrag med Johan Kugelberg på tirsdag

Grafill grafisk design og Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo ønsker deg velkommen til foredrag med Johan Kugelberg.

Sted: Rosenkrantz gate 21
Dato: Tirsdag 29. oktober
Tid: Kl. 18.00

Johan Kugelberg, født i Sverige, har siden åtti-tallet jobbet i musikkindustrien i New York. Han har blandt annet skrevet en rekke bøker om subkulterelle musikkfenomener blandt dem True Norwegian Black Metal, The Velvet Underground: New York Art, Vintage Rock T-Shirts og Born in the Bronx: A visual Record of the Early Days of Hip Hop.

Hans siste bok heter Beauty in the Streets og tar for seg propaganda plakater fra 68-opprøret i Paris. Det visuell som kom ut av dette opprøret har i stor grad påvirket grafisk designere siden, og Johan har inngående kunnskap om dette som han skal dele med oss.

Utgivers omtale av boka:
In May 1968, demonstrations against the French government spread across Parisian universities, and then to factories and other workplaces, resulting in a general strike of 11 million workers that brought the country to a virtual standstill. Out of the demonstrations rose the Atelier Populaire, a student group who produced hundreds of posters that were used to encourage protestors and report on police brutality. Beauty Is In The Street reproduces over 200 of these works, whose dual nature as a means of communication and as a sort of ephemeral artwork have become landmarks in political art and graphic design. Also included are a wealth of photographs, many published for the first time, and translations of first-hand accounts of the clashes between the students and strikers and the police.

Beauty Is In The Street was nominated for The Design Museum's Designs Of The Year 2012.