| Bergen 18:00 – 20:00
Hey Mucho

Grafill Bergen: Foredrag med Hey og Mucho

Foredrag med Hey og Mucho
Mandag 29. august 2016 kl. 18:00
Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek, UROM, 2 etg.

Hey Mucho

Hey is a graphic design studio based in Barcelona, Spain. Specialising in brand identity, editorial design and illustration, their output is defined by clever use of geometry, together with clean typography and a lively colour palette. To tell us more about their creative process we will be joined by the studio founder, Verònica Fuerte.

Mucho is a global boutique design studio with offices in Barcelona, New York, San Francisco, Newark (UK), Paris and London. It is led by a group of six partners including Tilman Solé. Mucho’s approach is always driven by strong ideas and the desire to create unique work. Collaborating across cultures infuses the work with fresh perspectives.


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