| Bergen 17:00 – 23:00
Bergen Sommerfest 2019

Grafill Bergen: Sommerfest med Mr. Bingo

Grafill Bergen inviterer deg til sommerfest. Vi har også invitert Åge Peterson, Europa og Mr. Bingo til å holde foredrag denne kvelden!

Bergen Sommerfest 2019

Cornerbaren er åpen fra kl 14, men sommerfesten starter kl 17. Foredragene starter presis.

Dette blir helt sykt bra!!

Fredag 14. juni 2019 kl. 17:00–02:00
Cornerteateret, Kong Christian Frederiks plass 4, 5006 Bergen

Bestill gratis billetter her: grafillbergen.hoopla.no


18:00 - Åge Peterson (NO)

Åge Peterson er illustratør og tegneserieskaper, uteksaminert med mastergrad fra KHiB/KMD i 2011, etterfulgt av fem år som blant annet grafisk designer, veileder og sensor på KMD og er nå inne i sitt tredje år som fulltids illustratør. Brorparten av tiden går med til redaksjonell illustrasjon for kunder som for eksempel Aftenposten, D2, Monocle Magazine, Arkitektnytt og Psykologtidsskriftet. Hans mest ønskede illustrasjons-jobb ligger der ute en gang i fremtiden; cover for The New Yorker.

Han presenterer hvordan det har gått fra den spede start som illustratør i 2016, hvordan og hvorfor han jobber som illustratør, litt om hva som motiverer han og det som ikke gjør det, og hvordan det å sette rammer for seg selv har gitt ham frihet og retning.


19:00 - Europa (UK)

Europa is a graphic design company based in London and run by Mia Frostner and Robert Sollis, both graduates of the Royal College of Art. Europa has a particular interest in architecture, urbanism and the role that graphic design can play in a place’s identity. Europa look for moments when graphic design and architecture overlap, and create opportunities for their work to play a more supportive and less top down role in framing a place.

In this talk Mia will show selected work such as graphic identities, public art and signage in the built environment made in collaboration with architects, artists and local councils.


20:00 - Mr. Bingo (UK)

Mr Bingo was born in 1979. In 1980 he started drawing. There wasn’t a lot to do in Kent. In 2011 he began the project Hate Mail on Twitter, where strangers paid him to send a hand-drawn offensive postcard to a name and address of their choice.

In summer 2015, he ran a Kickstarter campaign to fund a high-end art book of his Hate Mail illustrations. The campaign, which was launched with a rap video, for which Mr Bingo wrote and recorded an original song, was set to run 28 days but was successfully funded within 9 hours and finished 386% funded with 3,732 backers, making it the most successful Kickstarter for a book in the UK ever. Some of the Kickstarter rewards included going around people’s houses to do the washing up, getting drunk on a train, a date in a Wetherspoon’s of their choice, receiving a pornographic drawing of the Queen and being called up and told to fuck off on Christmas day. He tried to sell a year of his friendship but nobody bought it.

After a successful 15 year career as an illustrator, in 2015 Mr Bingo made a decision to stop working for clients and go it alone as some sort of ‘artist’. Nobody really knows how he makes a living now, but somehow he does.
