| Bergen 09:00 – 16:00

Grafill Bergen: Visibility 2018

UiB Institute of Design, in cooperation with Grafill Bergen, invites to the visual communication venue Visibility 2018.



Mandag 5. november 2018 kl. 09:00–16:00
UiB, Fakultet for kunst, musikk og design
Auditorium Knut Knaus ground floor

Møllendalsveien 61, 5009 Bergen


09.00 – 09.10
Mona Larsen, Head of Department of Design, Welcome

09.10 – 09.20
Lene Renneflott/CEO Grafill, the Norwegian Association of Illustrators and Designers. Status Quo and Future perspectives of the organization

09.30 – 10.15
Susan Doyle, Head of illustration at RISD. History of Illustration through the perspective of making a book.

Susan Doyle, editor of the History of Illustration (Bloomsbury), will give a presentation about the grassroots effort that sparked the mammoth five-year international effort to create the first ever textbook on illustration history. Having brought together scores of researchers, curators, professional illustrators, and academics, the book was released in 2018, and surveys illustration practice from five continents—in a chronological format that intermittently focuses on geographic and sub-genre topics. Doyle will reflect on the importance of assembling a team of diverse contributors, and the difficulties in streamlining such a large knowledge base into a format scaled for an introductory course. Having recently implemented the textbook into teaching practice, she will discuss the practicalities and pitfalls of integrating such expanded historic content into an undergraduate curriculum, and the importance of theory in contextualizing the vast amount of output surveyed.

10.30 – 11.15 Tobias Barvik – Glitch Studios. Story vs Experience. The battle of storytelling in Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is nothing new. It can be traced back to the 1960s and even beyond. But storytelling in VR is uncharted territory, with new discoveries under every rock. After three years of exploring, this is what I have found.

11.30 – 12.15 Lars Aurtande. Illustration through two-and-three-dimensional analogue techniques

Lars Aurtande er illustratør, billedkunstner, kurator og robotsnekker. Han har jobbet med visuell kommunikasjon i snart 20 år, og regnes som utøveren med den kanskje best og velutstyrte verktøykassen i bransjen. I foredraget vil han vise en rekke av sine varierte prosjekter, og spesielt bruken av tredimensjonale objekter i illustrasjon. Han vil prate om viktigheten av å slippe idéene ut i fri dressur, stole på seg selv, om å ha det skikkelig gøy på arbeid, og hemmeligheten om skissebokens magiske kraft.

12.15 – 13.00

13.00 – 16.00 Workshop: Lars Aurtande. Tredimensjonal storytelling. Sted: Øvre Hall, Møllendalsveien 61. etg.

For deltagelse send påmelding til: anna-lisa.johannessen@uib.no. NB: Påmeldingen er bindende! Begrenset antall plasser! Gratis! Utstyr: Til workshopen tar du med deg mindre gjenstander som kan inspirere deg og skape en stemning. Eksempel: Knapper, mynter, klinkekuler, metallbiter skruer, avlagte dukker, tekstilbiter, suvenirer, nips, ting fra roteskuff og garasjer, ledningsbiter, garn.

(13.00 – 16.00 Susan Doyle, Internal workshop for students at the institute)

The event is free, and open to everyone.

