| Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo 19:00 – 21:00
Bc Breakdowns

Grafill Grafisk design: Foredrag med Benjamin Critton (23. november)

Benjamin Critton: A Succinct Studio Portrait via Time & Energy Breakdowns

Bc Breakdowns

Grafills faggruppe for grafisk design, i samarbeid med Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, inviterer til foredrag med Benjamin Critton.

Arrangementet finner sted i auditoriet på Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo,
mandag 23. november 2015 klokken 19.00.

Gratis og åpent for alle.

A vaguely-mathematical breakdown of one version of a contemporary-ish, bi-Coastal American design practice and its myriad forms, which modulate and diversify based on Income, Impulse, Interest, Attention Span, Serendipity, Network, and Opportunity. 'A Succinct Studio Portrait via Time & Energy Breakdowns' will share one formal case study from each piece of an ever-expanding Pie Chart of interests, employs, and collusions.

Benjamin Critton is a designer, type designer, art director, and educator based in New York and Los Angeles. He received his BA from Hamilton College in 2006 and his MFA from the Yale School of Art in 2011. Benjamin Critton Art Department was founded in 2012 is an art and design practice / service whose client-based collaborations and commissions are supplemented by independent an interdependent initiatives in publishing, writing, editing, consultation, curation, and pedagogy.