| Stavanger 11:00 – 16:00

Grafill Stavanger: A TALK and a MASTERCLASS (NB: AVLYST)

VIKTIG MELDING: På grunn av dødsfall i nær familie til foredragsholder må dessverre dette arrangementet kanselleres. Alle billettpenger refunderes. Vi håper selvsagt å komme tilbake med samme tilbud senere i høst.


A search for meaning and affect in digital culture, unmapping creativity and a new lexicon towards a reflective form of thinking.
Dimitri Nieuwenhuizen + Marijke Cobbenhagen

11:00 hrs, TALK
The talk is an inquiry into the outside of digitalization, trying to point and map the effect and affect of digital presence in modern life. A serendipity search, touching upon fragments that each highlight or look into a different aspect of the radical intermezzo in the development of societies. It explores directions surrounding digital culture to determine its exact position on an existential level. Technology is the answer, but what was the question?

Interlude, LUNCH
with food from Mathallen Stavanger

13:30 – 16:00 hrs, MASTERCLASS
This masterclass is a process of unmapping creativity. The ever increasing and ubiquitous presence of the digital asks for a new way of thinking. Not just about which technology or tools we use for what purpose, but also about what these changes mean on a more existential level. In the form of analogue proto-typing, this masterclass is a playful experi-ment, in which the focus lies on reflecting and creating a vision on digital culture in our everyday lives. Participants learn how to intrinsically access their creative brain. How and why to come up with new idea’s, how and why to share them and how and why to judge them. Hands-on and bottom-up.

Hosted by Grafill Stavanger
Location: Innovation Dock, 11-23 Siriskjeret, 4014, Stavanger

Date: 27. August
Tickets: grafillstavanger.eventbrite...
